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Healthy Lifestyle Workbook for 2023, Thoughts on Preparing for New Year’s Goals: 58

When it comes to New Year's goals, people can easily get discouraged. Everyone starts out with the best intentions and new goals. However, many quickly lose steam and may ditch New Year's resolutions altogether. In most cases, this is because people are overly aggressive with their goals.

In this video, I explain the purpose of my digital ultimate wellness and happiness workbook and how it can contribute to your success in creating new habits. Trying to achieve smaller goals over a long period of time rather than massive goals over a short time, makes new habits easier, more sustainable and will help you achieve your longer term goals.

If you need more than a workbook and an accountability group or coaching speaks to you, reach out!

Ultimate Wellness and Happiness Workbook

You can find the 12 weeks to ultimate wellness and happiness workbook for free on the website under books! If one of your goals in the new year is weight loss, you may also want to check out 21 Day Fat Loss Kickstart: Make Keto Easy, Take Diet Breaks and Still Lose weight.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, grow stronger, or replace bad habits with good ones, breaking down your year into manageable chunks is a great strategy for helping your New Year's goals stick around.

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Disclaimer: Links may contain affiliate links, which means we may get paid a commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase through this page. Read our full disclosure here.


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21 Day Fat Loss Kickstart: Make Keto Easy, Take Diet Breaks and Still Lose Weight 

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Getting Started with Keto Podcast Episode

Getting Started with Keto Resource Guide