Welcome to Heal Nourish Grow, an ultimate wellness, advanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle site. Our intention is to share our experience and insight through unique content that will help you transform and live your best life. What we’ve learned over years of experimenting with nutrition, yoga, fitness, self-exploration, psychology, meditation and creativity will inspire you to lead a healthier, more fulfilling and most importantly, FUN life!
We publish research, articles, recipes and content that will inspire you to make healthier choices every day. Expect original content in the form of videos, interviews, guides, ketogenic recipes, reviews and expert advice that will guide you on your quest for ultimate wellness.
The content, programs and research provided at Heal Nourish Grow pulls together information coming from a wealth of experience and varying paradigms to create the ultimate wellness experience. We are creating informative, reliable and enlightening content that will help you heal, grow and be nourished.
Who is Behind Heal Nourish Grow?

Hi, I’m Cheryl McColgan, founder of Heal Nourish Grow. I had the concept for this site in 2013 while experiencing a total life transformation after several rounds of testing and eventually two abdominal surgeries for suspected cancer. After finally finding the courage to quit my corporate job, I officially launched Heal Nourish Grow in the summer of 2018.
As a person who has been focused on “healthy lifestyle” for over 30 years now, it was hard to believe I had to go through such a crazy health scare (in case you’re wondering, the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale eventually removed 16 tumors that had implanted all over my abdomen, bowels and iliac artery).
The possibility of cancer forced me to look even more closely at my health, life and career. As a result, I became deeply involved in the study of wellness and nutrition which resulted in multiple training programs and certifications focused on creating ultimate wellness.
The pursuit of personal health, ultimate wellness and athletics made it important for me to study nutrition, physical training techniques, injury prevention and treatment, Ayurveda, meditation and multiple alternative therapies. My passion for teaching, gourmet cooking, travel and a personal commitment to pursue greater health is what brought Heal Nourish Grow to life as an ultimate wellness, advanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle resource.
After all I've studied, I believe that intermittent fasting and the reduction of carbohydrates in the diet, specifically the ketogenic diet (in certain situations) to be a very powerful, healing combination for many people. No matter what style of eating you personally support, everyone can agree that eating less sugar and processed food while eating more whole foods and optimal protein is the key to ultimate health.
What Does it Mean to Heal, be Nourished and Grow?
Living your best life every day is a series of choices and it looks different for everyone. Part of being healed, nourished and growing is deciding what that means to you! Heal Nourish Grow is a site that will help you create ultimate wellness and your best life through advice on food and lifestyle choices. This can include daily decisions on topics such as nutrition, supplements, fitness, meditation, fashion, travel, design and any number of things that make your body and mind feel good as well as enhancing the space in which you live every day.
This concept has been tested over the years by a group of women who made significant changes in their lives by following the principles of Heal Nourish Grow. An incredible support system was created that we’d like to share in the form of this site. One of the greatest challenges of our busy, daily lives is finding enough time to research choices, products and techniques that are right for a healthy lifestyle. We’ll save you that work!
Healing happens on many levels. Whether it’s healing your body through real food and nutrition, healing your spirit through daily rituals and grounding practices or healing your heart through letting go of the past, healing is a necessary part of living your best life.
Food is an obvious focus here, but being nourished means so much more to Heal Nourish Grow! Your everyday environment and the information you consume are a big part of nourishing your mind and spirit. Being nourished means creating an environment that soothes, comforts and inspires. Surrounding yourself with people, objects and information that help create your best self and inspire you to create your desired reality every day is true nourishment of mind, body and spirit.
Growth is key…if you’re not growing, you’re stagnant. At different points, the call for growth may be stronger or more related to different aspects of one’s life. Whether it’s spiritual, physical or mental, the keys to growth are the same: self-examination, introspection and a commitment to growth. In yoga, we call this process svadhyaya or self-study. In psychology, it’s introspection or self-observation. Whatever tradition paradigm you choose, the result is the same. Growth.
“It’s as though something whispers in our ear, ‘I can’t continue this way.’ Those moments can panic us into reaching out for another false balm (a drink, a drug, a snack, a pat on the back, a chocolate), or they can light the sparks of revolution and be catalysts for us to break apart so that we may emerge, like a seed becoming a tree, in a wholly new form.”
1Heal Nourish Grow Principles:
- Food is healing
- Minimize clutter
- Make the common more beautiful
- Surround yourself with people and things that bring you joy
- Grow plants
- Eat mindfully
- Gourmet
- Listen to music
- Spend time outdoors
- Create
- Meditate
- Movement that makes you happy
- Tell someone you love them
- Make choices that nourish your body
- Rest and sleep well
- Hug
- Find inspiration all around you
Finally…be silly! Life it too short to take yourself so seriously.