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Function Health Review

As usual, Instagram has a pretty good idea what i'm interested in and served me a Function Health ad. As soon as I popped over to the site and read about it, I knew this is a service I wanted to try so I could report back to you. This Function Health review shares my experience with it and how it compares and differs from other services I've tried in the past.

Function Health has six co-founders, including Mark Hyman, who you might recognize as a 15 time New York Times bestselling author and physician. He typically writes about diet and metabolism and is known for his functional medicine perspective.

If you're wondering if this is covered by insurance, it's not. However, that's really the whole purpose of this new service. It offers the ability to get lab testing at an affordable price without involving doctors or insurance. Although insurance doesn't cover Function Health, it is HSA/ FSA eligible.

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How Function Health Works

Once you enroll in the service, you have the ability to schedule a lab test appointment at a local Quest Diagnostics laboratory location. Function Health tests for over 100 biomarkers giving you access to a variety of important health metrics. The site is currently in beta (as of August 2024), which means the website may have a few glitches and things yet to be improved. However, for this initial Function Health review, I'm sharing a positive first look. I've found both the desktop and mobile versions of the site easy to navigate and haven't noticed any problems with the interface despite its beta status.

The blood tests require two fasting lab visits. On my first visit they drew approximately 12 vials of blood and sent me home with a container to bring urine back for my next visit. They drew about the same amount of blood at my second visit a couple of days later. You'll need to complete both of the visits within 10 days, so be sure to plan accordingly. I didn't have any trouble getting early morning appointments about a week out but you may need to plan ahead further if you live in busy location or one that has limited Quest locations.

What Biomarkers Are Included?

Rather than list the over 100 biomarkers that are tested for in the Function health series, I'll link to the included test list here. These are the tests they have deemed relevant for most people. Markers include major function areas such as heart, liver, blood, etc. It's worth noting that you can add on several tests at an additional cost. One of particular interest is the Galleri® multi-cancer early detection test. I suspect a lot of doctors would be hesitant to order this test. This is a nice, no hassle way to gain access to it. This is a test I'm considering due to the amount of cancer in my family (which I've talked about multiple times in the past). However, I haven't decided whether to do it yet. It's quite a financial investment at $899 through Function Health.

I also chose to add on the Alzheimer's risk test, which gives your ApoE status,
adiponectin, which regulates body weight and metabolism by controlling insulin response, metabolizing lipids, and combating inflammation and the Celiac test. It's worth noting that for the Celiac test you must have been consuming gluten. While I had completely cut out gluten for years, I started adding some back in within the last year, so this was perfect timing for me to finally test it. It also tests for gluten intolerance so it's definitely a nice addition to the included tests.


Function Health Review: How Quick are the Results?

After my first blood draw, I began receiving some of the results the next day. After a week, I had 97 biomarkers reported. While some people may not be used to it taking over a week to receive all results, this is pretty typical. All of the bloodwork results that are typically back in a day or two, came back just as quickly with this service. However, the tests include an enhanced lipid panel called an NMR lipoprofile. Based on my previous experience with this test, I know it usually takes seven to 10 days to get this back.

I also added on the Omega test for $49 which includes: Omega 3: EPA, Omega 3: DPA, Omega 3: DHA, Omega 6 Total, Arachidonic Acid, Omega 3 Total, OmegaCheck: EPA+DPA+DHA, Omega 6/Omega 3 Ratio, Linoleic Acid, Arachidonic Acid/EPA Ratio. This test also has a long processing time regardless of what service it's through. In addition, I learned that because of that, Function Health moved this test to the mid year draw so as not to hold up the final clinician notes. However, after reaching out to customer service I was able to schedule a draw sooner since I really wanted the results of that test sooner.

The Function Health Results Dashboard

As the results come in, they're displayed in categories on your dashboard as you can see in this screenshot. Each individual result is flagged as high, low or optimum and categorized by topic such as autoimmunity. nutrients, etc. Once you've received all of the results, you receive some notes regarding your biomarkers from a Function Health clinician. The dashboard also generates a biological age base on your results. It also has an action plan including suggested supplements and food based on any biomarkers that are out of range.

At the end of one week I had most of the basic markers. By the end of two weeks, I had all of the results except the Omega test. I also received a call from a doctor from Function Health since a couple of my tests had strange values. Fortunately, I had already followed up with my primary care doctor for a retest. I was able to relay those results to the Function Health team.

How Function Health Compares to Other Services

At the moment, I'm only aware of one competitor that offers a series of multiple tests like Function Health, Lifeforce. There are a few key differences in the cost, number of times a year they test and access to coaching.

There are also several services I have used in the past to get individual, direct lab tests. Ulta Labs, Life Extension and Own Your Labs are all great options. I usually just choose based on which one is having the best sale or has the best price on whatever test I'd like to run.

How Accurate are Direct to Consumer Blood Tests?

Since they all use LabCorp or Quest for the draws, quality is not an issue. They all have fairly user friendly websites as well. Ulta usually has the best sales and prices but it's always good to quickly check the others before purchasing. Especially when you're bundling several tests, there can be a significant price difference.

These services differ from Function Health in that there is no interpretation included, they're strictly lab results. They also differ because if you purchased all of the tests that Function Health includes from one of these other services, the cost is substantially greater. If you just need one off tests, these services may be a better option. However, once you're a member at Function Health, you also have the ability to run individual tests at reduced prices.

For More Comprehensive Tests and Coaching

The other service that is somewhat similar to Function Health is Wild Health. I have used them in the past and you can get 20 percent off with my link. Wild Health is a little more comprehensive than Function Health. They offer similar testing but rather than clinical notes, their service generates a whole report. In addition, it includes unlimited access to a health coach and an appointment with their doctor to discuss your results. If you'd like to hear me talk about my experience with Wild Health, check out this podcast episode.

How to Choose a Lab Service

If you're looking for a more hands on approach and access to professionals that can help you make changes that impact your future labs, their service may be a better fit for you. However, the cost is significantly greater since they do genetic testing, not just bloodwork.

Unexpected Results: Function Health Review

What happens if you get unexpected results? Function Health flags results that are out of range, just like with any blood test results. Depending on how much or which tests are out of range, a Function Health doctor may call you. This is what happened in my case.

Each test result online has a clickable link to an explanation of what this may mean to your health. However, be prepared to follow up with your health care provider. It is no doubt be tempting to Google any results and it could lead you to some scary conclusions. Always keep in mind that many blood numbers are transient. If anything is off, it's is just a snap shot in time. Any given result may not be indicative of what your numbers are normally. This is why it's so valuable to get blood markers on a more regular basis. You'll have a better baseline and be more able to tell when something is truly awry or improving.